Good morning,
My name is Edgar and I come from a long line of important socks.
My ancestors come from a prominent cotton mill in England. This makes me a very important sock.
Therefore, I can not understand why they treat me the way they do! I get crumpled up in one corner of a box when suddenly someone takes me out and puts me on their stinking feet. Then they stuff me in another dark hole – they call it a shoe. I hate those shoes! They always fight with me! Especially those running shoes! They are very arrogant! My nose always gets squeezed between the shoe and the toe!
By the end of the day, when I am all smelly and dirty, they throw me in another box with other stinky things. We get taken to a drum where they try to drown us! The drum keeps turning pushing us under the water and as if that is not enough, they add strong soap to the water.
Then, just when the water goes away and I feel like I am starting to get my breath back, the drum starts spinning and squeezes the air from my lungs! By this time I am dryer but all creased! Does this sound like something you should do to a dignified sock?
Then they take me and, OH the shame, they peg me on a line by my nose! ! They do not even allow me to smell the fresh air while I dry in the wind!
When I am dry, they crumple me up again and throw me back into the dark box!
Hello, I’m Lyla! I am a sleep sock.
Oh go away!!!! You live the cushy life!!!
Dis VREK oulik! Moes sy dit self skryf/uitdink?
Baie oulik Zella. Baie geluk ook met die geskiedenistoets ! Oupa en ouma is baie trots op jou. Hou so aan!
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